Thursday, July 24, 2008

On my Way to Egypt: A Sad Goodbye and a New Adventure

I am leaving tomorrow night (Friday) for Cairo, where I will catch a bus over to Dahab on the Sinai Peninsula for 10 days of scuba diving and sight-seeing.

It is always weird to say goodbye for me when I have been living/traveling in another country: I cannot say for sure I will not come back, and always hope I will. When I travel, I know that I will eventually leave the incredible friends I meet, and while it doesn't make me hold back from creating lasting friendships, it does make me appreciate the ability to connect with people across the world, and know that immeasurable friendships and experiences are stronger than measurable distances.

I've learned far more from this experience than i anticipated, and am looking forward to the process of uncovering the myriad ways in which my time here has influenced me as a person and in terms of my perspective on maternal health. Much love to Ghana and all of my friends here! I'll post lots of pictures as soon as I get to a place with stable, high-speed Internet.

Now, onto Egypt, where I promise to continue blogging on my undersea, camel, Cairo, and Mt. Sinai adventures.

One more thing: My amazing sister Kelsyn is now in South Korea on a Fulbright teaching scholarship, and has a stellar blog. Check it out at

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